What Does Not Kill You Makes You Stronger
2nd Sunday of Lent
This week's gospel sharing by Friar Cosmas reflected on the pain we experience (through the metaphor of climbing mountains), and how even though it may be a burden, it can help shape us spiritually. And when we persevere through these difficult trials, we become a better person, hence the popular saying “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”.
In my young life, I've been through some tough times – emotionally, socially. However, God’s compassion and wisdom – often through those who support me – provided me with to overcome these trials. In the process, I’ve become a more confident, caring, relaxed and optimistic person.
With the help of God, we can become what we want to be in the future, if we allow ourselves to persevere during our darkest days and be shaped positively by it.
*A reflection by Zachary Wong, 14+ yrs old, who worships at St. Andrew Chapel.